Tushuguanxue yu Zixun Kexue (Oct 2011)

研究論文/A Preliminary Study of Users’ Navigation Behaviors on the Selective Dissemination of Web Information Services/卜小蝶、翁怡葳

  • 卜小蝶、翁怡葳 Hsiao-Tieh Pu, Yi-Wei Wong

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 37, no. 2


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本文提出網路資訊選粹服務( Selective Dissemination of Web Information, SDWI)是一種新型態的資訊傳遞方式,相較傳統資訊搜尋經驗,其促發另一種使用者與資訊的互動經驗。究竟使用者如何遊歷SDWI 所提供的大量資訊,值得深入探討。本文介紹SDWI 相關概念及發展,並以RSS 為範疇進行小型實證。研究採用電腦側錄、訪談及觀察等方法。主要研究發現:受試者所呈現之訂閱需求既廣且深,同時重視廣泛吸取新知及符合個人興趣;受試者每日以不到4%的上網時間即能獲取RSS 匯進的大量資訊,若能善用RSS,不失為一省時有效率的新知獲取模式;受試者平均約7 成時間、近9 成移動與過濾及瀏覽閱讀器中之內容有關,僅3 成時間及1 成移動與來源網頁有關,其遊歷行為呈現快速略讀為主、全文內容閱讀為輔的特性。本文最後建議,不論就圖書資訊服務或網路資訊服務角度,為提供更完整具深度的資訊服務,SDWI 都將受到更多重視。 The paper proposes that Selective Dissemination of Web Information (SDWI) is a new way of information delivery, and it also triggers user experience different from that in traditional search environment. How a user navigates information offered by SDWI is worthy of study. This paper provides related concepts and development of SDWI, and also conducts an empirical study on RSS navigation behavior. The methods include navigation screen logging, interview, and observation. Major preliminary results include: the participants show both a wide range and personal-focused feeds subscription interests, and this reveals they put attention to obtaining new information as well as meeting personal interests; the participants spent less than 4% online time a day to sift through huge information offered by RSS, and this somehow demonstrates RSS is an efficient way of obtaining new information; the participants show quick screening reading style, since near 70% time and 90% moving were related to filtering and browsing contents in RSS readers, while only 30% time and 10% moving were concerned with reading source pages. The study concludes that SDWI will receive more attention in research and applications either in library information service or web information service arena. 頁次:56-72