Desafíos (Apr 2010)
Christianity and Politics in Latin America: The Paradigm of the Liberation Theology
This article proposes to objectify the liberation theology (LT) paradigm, as a contemporary social-political phenomenon of the relationship between religion (in this case, Christianity) and politics in Latin America. The core statement alleges that LT built its own system, which has still presence and social impact. Such system is to be understood in the singularity of its social and ideological logics. The analysis of it cannot be reduced to theoretical interests and external models without submitting to the actors’ own myths. First, the relevance of applying the paradigm notion to the liberation theology is defined and its genealogy is rebuilt within the contemporary Catholicism, as well as the social, political, and ideological context from which it arose. Then, the LT paradigmatic model is determined, differentiated from its genealogy and environment, in order to identify its successive evolutions and various expressions up to the present.