Rev Rene (May 2013)

Adherence to drug therapy in diabetic elderly

  • Anna Karla de Oliveira Tito Borba,
  • Ana Paula de Oliveira Marques,
  • Márcia Carrera Campos Leal,
  • Roberta de Souza Pereira da Silva Ramos,
  • Ana Clara Carvalho Gonçalves Guerra,
  • Thaysa Melo Caldas

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 2


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Sectional and observational study, which investigates access to medicine, socioeconomic and demographic profiles and their association with drug adherence to drug therapy in diabetic elderly assisted in a gerontogeriatric public service. Data were collected from 126 participants through structured interviews between February and September 2011. The results reveal that 47.6% of the elderly received their drug from the public health system. The elderly women prevailed, in more than 9 years of studies, retired and income of 1-2 minimum wages. As for drug adherence, 93.7% reported using their medication regularly, but only 52.4% were considered compliant under the Test of Batalha. There was no association between socioeconomic and demographic variables and self-reported adherence. It is necessary to invest in educational initiatives targeted to the elderly patients to promote adherence to therapy.
