Jisuanji kexue yu tansuo (May 2020)
Recommendation System Based on Users Preference Mining Generative Adversarial Networks
Users preference mining is one of the key issues in the research field of recommendation system, and it plays a very important role in improving the recommendation performance. Users preference mining generative adversarial networks (UPM-GAN) is proposed to better analyze the implicit users preference in the recommendation procedure from two aspects. On one hand, user-rating matrix is processed by the state-of-the-art triplet loss algorithm. It means better positive samples are obtained by the hard-negative mining procedure of the triplet loss algorithm, which will build a strong foundation for more accurately portraying users’ preference. On the other hand, SVD++ algorithm is utilized in turn to create the generation model of the UPM-GAN. The SVD++ algorithm can mine implicit users preference by adding bias information and latent parameters. It helps improve the rating prediction accuracy of recommendation system. Finally, the state-of-the-art GAN framework is utilized to train the proposed recommendation system and experimental simulation is completed on two mainstream datasets: MovieLens-100K and MovieLens-1M. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed UPM-GAN is superior to other baselines among all evaluation indices including Precision@K, mean average precision (MAP). Moreover, it has the advantages of faster convergence speed and stable training process. The proposed recommendation system based on UPM-GAN has very large practical value.