Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences (Nov 2020)
Even though ratoon sugarcane (RC) plantation takes 75% of the total area for sugar cane plantation in Indonesia, its productivity is lower than PC. One method to increase RC productivity is through crossbreeding. Objective of this research was to get superior seeds in order to increase productivity and promote sugar self-sufficiency. This research was conducted at KP. Karangploso Malang from January to December 2019. It was carried out without any trial. The data analysis method was descriptive analysis. The research materials were 165 sugar cane clones selected from 2017 crossbreeding. Observations, made before harvest, aimed at observing number, length and diameter of sugar cane stalks. The clones were grown in plot of land. The number of stalks was observed counting all stalks grown in similar grids of which minimum length was 150 centimeters and minimum stalk diameter was 15 milimeters. Ten sample plants per clone were taken for observation. The results showed eighteen sugarcane clones indicated as early-middle ripe sugar canes produced between 1.75 and 6.45 stalks/cluster or 4.36 stalks/cluster in average. The remaining 147 clones indicated as middle-slow ripe clones produced between 2.00 and 7.40 stalks/cluster or in average 4.21 stalks/cluster. Diameter of the early-middle ripe clines was between 1.77 and 3.36 centimeters (an average of 2.57 centimeters), while that of the middle-slow ripe sugar cane clones was between 1.94 and 3.76 centimeters (average of 2.69 centimeters). The early-middle ripe sugarcane clones were between 88.0 and 207.0 centimeters long, or 140.61 centimeters in average while the middle-slow ripe clones was between 48.0 and 199.0 centimeters long or 132.1 centimeters in average.