中西医结合护理 (Apr 2023)

Nursing of an elderly patient with esophageal food impaction during the recovery stage after cerebral infarction (1例老年脑梗死康复患者食物嵌塞的护理体会)

  • LIU Miao (刘苗),
  • XU Bing (许冰),
  • PENG Dan (彭丹)

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 4
pp. 227 – 230


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This paper summarized the nursing management for an elderly patient with esophageal food impaction during the recovery stage after cerebral infarction. Based on the nursing assessment on hospital admission, gastroscopy-assisted foreign body removal was carried out. Much attention has been paid on the perioperative nursing and health education about functional exercise after discharge from hospital. A systematic and comprehensive support was provided including dietary guidance, swallowing exercise, limb function exercise, language function exercise and psychological care. (本文总结1例老年脑梗死康复患者引起食物嵌塞的护理经验。在完善入院评估的基础上, 加强胃镜下食管异物取出围手术期护理, 开展出院后功能锻炼和延续护理指导, 从饮食、吞咽功能锻炼、肢体功能锻炼、语言功能锻炼及心理方面为患者及家属提供系统全面的护理干预。)
