Particles (Mar 2024)

Cosmological Mass of the Photon Related to Stueckelberg and Higgs Mechanisms

  • Lorenzo Gallerani Resca

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 2
pp. 289 – 296


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I consider the electro-weak (EW) masses and interactions generated by photons using vacuum expectation values of Stueckelberg and Higgs fields. I provide a prescription to relate their parametric values to a cosmological range derived from the fundamental Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the Einstein–de Sitter cosmological constant and horizon. This yields qualitative connections between microscopic ranges acquired by W± or Z0 gauge Bosons and the cosmological scale and minimal mass acquired by g-photons. I apply this procedure to an established Stueckelberg–Higgs mechanism, while I consider a similar procedure for a pair of Higgs fields that may spontaneously break all U(1) × SU(2) gauge invariances. My estimates of photon masses and their additional parity-breaking interactions with leptons and neutrinos may be detectable in suitable accelerator experiments. Their effects may also be observable astronomically through massive g-photon condensates that may contribute to dark matter and dark energy.
