Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Dec 1992)
Controle da anemia ferropriva em pré-escolares por meio da fortificação de alimento com concentrado de Hemoglobina Bovina (estudo preliminar) Iron deficiency anemia control in pre-school children by food fortification with Bovine Hemoglobin (preliminary study)
O efeito da introdução de biscoitos fortificados com ferro hemínico no estado de nutrição de ferro de pré-escolares foi avaliado em um estudo piloto que inclui 16 crianças, com idade entre 2 e 4 anos, de uma creche pública do estado do Piauí. A fonte de ferro utilizada foi o sangue bovino seco pelo processo de leito de jorro, uma alternativa para a secagem em spray, adaptada para a secagem de sangue. À primeira tomada de amostra, detectou-se anemia (Hb The effect of hemoglobin-fortified cookies on hemoglobin (Hb) levels of 16 children (2 to 4 years of age) were evaluated The children were attending a day nursery managed under the Social Welfare Service of the State of Piauí (northeast Brazil). All children were iron deficient according to the average transferrin saturation of 7.1 + 3,7 %, and 12 (75%) of them were anemic (Hb < 11 g/dL). The average Hb concentration was 9.4 + 2,6 g/dL. Cookies fortified with 3% bovine concentrate (dried by the sponted bed technique) were offered to the children over the course of 90 days (5 cookies (4mg Fe)/child/d), with total iron intake of approximately 8 mg Fe/d. After the experimental period the levels of Hb in all children had risen to levels above 11.0 g/dL (average 13,2 + 0,2 g/dL). The results demonstrate the possibility of using dried Hb concentrate in food-fortification programs aimed at meeting daily iron requirements for pre-school and school children in Brazil.