MedEdPORTAL (Sep 2017)

Negotiating Work-Life Integration

  • Cory Pitre,
  • Lauren Ladd,
  • Julie Welch

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13


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Introduction Integrating work and home domains is a constant challenge for medical professionals. Only half of physicians report positive work-life satisfaction, implying that negotiating the inherent conflicts between work and home may not be intuitive. Early teaching of skills focused on professional sustainability may best prepare physicians to navigate conflicts between work and home domains. Methods This interactive workshop targets trainees and junior faculty. It aims to highlight the current state of physician career satisfaction, to bring awareness to the risk of physician burnout, and to apply strategies that promote work-life integration as a lifelong practice for sustained career satisfaction. It includes a detailed presentation with structured resources to reinforce skill development. Results This workshop was delivered five times to trainees and junior faculty. Workshop evaluations (n = 50) revealed that all participants believed the information presented was useful, addressed competencies relevant to their training, and increased their knowledge about how to create better work-life integration; all anticipated improvement in their professional work. They all recommended this program to a colleague. Discussion This workshop offers an effective way to teach a skill set that enhances physicians' abilities to negotiate conflicting work and life domain boundaries. Our results indicate that learners intend to apply newly acquired strategies for work-life integration so as to improve career satisfaction and wellness. Such skill sets may mitigate physician burnout and promote career sustainability, both critical issues with far-reaching implications for the delivery of safe, high-quality health care at the provider and system levels.
