Revista de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Dec 2012)
Trigger points for pain in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome
Objective: To identify the trigger points for pain in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) admitted to two hospitals in southern Brazil and to verify the recognition frequency of pain as a cardiac event. Methods: Cross sectional study using secondary database and a 105 patients sample. Results: From the sample, 47 (45%) patients had symptoms at rest; 20 (19%) woke up in pain; 19 (18%) did practice physical exercises; 10 (9.5%) were under stress situations; and 9 (9%) were performing another activity. None of the patients reported sexual activity as a trigger for pain; 67 (64%) related the symptoms to the cardiac event. Conclusion: Pain in patients with ACS occurred in patients at rest. Although the sample reported pain as a cardiac event, there is still a lack of nursing assistance related to health education aimed at early arrivals to the emergency services