Elementary: Islamic Teacher Journal (May 2020)
Abstract This article aims to describe the analysis of the subject matter of the 2013 revised 2017 Arts and Crafts Culture curriculum in a class V textbook viewed from various aspects. The method used in the analysis is the study of literature on the subject matter of MI / SD Art and Culture in teacher books and student books. The results of the analysis state that the development characteristics of grade V students are at the concrete operation stage. HOTS Distribution (Critical Thinking 43%, Creative Thinking 32%, Problem Solving 11%, Decision Makers 14%). 4C Distribution (Critical Thinking 37%, Creative Thinking 27%, Communication 16%, Collaboration 20%). Digital Literacy 12% and Cultural and Citizenship Literacy 33%. Character Education (Nationalism 23%, Integrity 3%, Independence 40%, Mutual Assistance 34%). The innovations offered in learning Arts and Culture and MI / SD Workshops enhance operational verbs for HOTS, use interactive teaching materials, add aspects of mathematical literacy, and add aspects of religious character education. Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan analisis materi pokok Seni Budaya dan Prakarya dalam buku paket kelas V kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017 dilihat dari berbagai macam aspek. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis adalah studi literatur tentang materi pokok Seni Budaya dan Prakarya MI/SD dalam buku guru dan buku siswa. Hasil analisis menyatakan bahwa karakteristik perkembangan siswa kelas V berada pada tahapan operasi konkret. Distribusi HOTS (Critical Thinking 43%, Creative thinking 32%, Problem Solving 11%, Decision Maker 14%). Distribusi 4C (Critical Thinking 37%, Creative thinking 27%, Communication 16%, Collaboration 20%). Literasi Digital 12% dan Literasi Budaya dan Kewargaan 33%. Pendidikan Karakter (Nasionalisme 23%, Integritas 3%, Kemandirian 40%, Gotong royong 34%). Inovasi yang ditawarkan dalam pembelajaran Seni Budaya dan Prakarya MI/SD adalah meningkatkan kata kerja operasional menjadi HOTS, menggunakan bahan ajar interaktif, menambahkan aspek literasi matematis, serta menambahkan aspek pendidikan karakter religius.