Tellus: Series B, Chemical and Physical Meteorology (Oct 2013)
Statistical analysis of aerosol optical properties retrieved by Raman lidar over Southeastern Spain
In this work, a statistical study of aerosol optical properties retrieved from Raman lidar profiles has been addressed at the EARLINET station of Granada, Spain, during the period 2008–2010. Lidar measurements were performed during day- and night-time. Mean values and variances of the aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficient profiles in the troposphere have been computed. These profiles evidenced that during autumn–winter, most of the particles are confined to the first kilometres above the surface (below 3500 m above sea level), while a major presence of aerosol at higher altitudes is observed during spring–summer. Moreover, a study of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) height and aerosol stratification has been performed for the whole studied period. Monthly mean β-related Angström exponent values have been obtained for aerosols in the PBL and in the free troposphere. Furthermore, monthly mean lidar ratio values at 532 nm have been retrieved from Raman profiles during night-time. A detailed study of these intensive properties has allowed characterizing the aerosol present over our station. The results evidenced a predominance of large and scattering particles during spring and summer and an increase of small and absorbing particles during autumn and winter.