الإيضاح (Dec 2014)
"دورِ جدید میں کرائے کی ماں( Surrogate Mothering) کا تصور اور اسلامی نقطہ نظر The Concept of Surrogate Mother in the modern world in the Islamic Perspective "
Artificial insemination is a means of attaining pregnancy not involving sexual intercourse. A couple having trouble getting pregnant can benefit from the exact timing and placement of the sperm. It can overcome instances where a woman's immune system can reject her partner's sperm as invading molecules. In the case of an impotent male, donor sperm may be used. It is also a means for a woman to conceive when two women wish to parent a child, or a single woman does not have a male partner, when she does not want a male partner, or when a male partner's physical limitation impedes his ability to impregnate her by sexual intercourse. A relationship in which one woman bears and gives birth to a child for a person or a couple who then adopts or takes legal custody of the child; called Surrogate Motherhood. In surrogate motherhood, one woman acts as a surrogate, or replacement, mother for another woman, sometimes called the intended mother, who either cannot produce fertile eggs or cannot carry a pregnancy through to birth, or term. Surrogate mothering phenomena is prevailing all over the world now days especially in