Проблеми сучасної психології (Apr 2020)
The Role of the Emotional Intelligence in Making Materials More Contextually Appropriate
The purpose of the research is to provide theoretical justification and practical development of the perceptually-emotive component of communicative techniques as the ways of making materials more context appropriate. The last one in a great degree influences on the development of emotional intelligence of the person. Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The results of the research. Emotions and perceptions in organizing a lesson of foreign languages were entrusted into many of the alternative and game techniques, pedestal and intensive ones. Heuristic learning is always open, which gives each teacher a space for creativity, develops and strengthens the pupils’ perception of the educational material, the perception of school and a lesson as a whole. The educational material is considered and presented as a heuristic one. Only under this condition when the assimilation of the material takes place simultaneously at the level of data of two spheres – emotional and perceptual – we can tell about actualizing the emotional intelligence of the person. At the same time, the actual educational material is supplemented with positive background information in order to combine associative relationships with the positive emotions and emotional experiences, in particular among teenagers. Emotional intelligence is the integrative concept and it includes a multitude of varied abilities, knowledge and skills, the importance and necessity of the development of which does not call into questions of psychologists and teachers. Researchers offer different variants of the structure of the emotional intelligence and conduct discussions about the components of this concept. Among the components of emotional intelligence, the authors singled out such abilities, as: 1) perception of emotions (identification of emotions by persons, in design, in music, in stories); 2) emotional assistance (transference of feelings, decision making on basis of emotions); 3) emotional understanding (definition of the subject of emotions, mixing the emotions, emotional transfer, emotional perspectives); 4) emotional control (managing one’s own emotions, managing emotions of others). Conclusions. In our research we proposed the following components of emotional intelligence: 1) self-consciousness (emotional self-consciusness, self-esteem, self-confidence); 2) social awareness (empathy, organizational awareness, self-orientation); 3) self-government (self-control, adaptability, initiative, orientation towards achievement); 4) social skills (leadership, influence, communication, actualization of personal changes, the behavior in conflict situations, the activity within micro-groups, link building). It was shown that there were absolutely precise ways of determining different types of cognitive activity. Each person peculiarly combines different types of cognitive activity, each child has his / her own individual type of knowledge, which must correspond to their style of learning. Therefore, the main attention when working on the basis of the heuristic approach should be paid not to determine the type of cognitive activity of each pupil, but to use such a style of learning, in which pupils will be involved into various types of cognitive activity. Before answering the teacher’s questions, the pupil must extract the information required for the answer. It can be in the form of visual, auditory and kinesthetic (based on muscle senses) images. These processes occur at the level of consciousness. Then perceived information should also be presented visually, auditory and kinesthetically. This is a conscious action.