Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia (Nov 2018)
Efikasi Asap Cair dari Kayu Bengkirai terhadap Phytophthora citrophthora
Bengkirai is one of kind of woods usually used for furnitures and produces lots of woodcuts. This woodcut become the raw material for liquid smoke. The efficacy of liquid smoke produced from bengkirai wood against Phytophthora citrophthora was evaluated. The aim of this research was to evaluate antimicrobial properties of liquid smoke from bengkirai wood against P. citrophthora. Three kinds of liquid smoke were used in three temperatures i.e., 350, 400 and 450ºC. Efficacy of liquid smoke from bengkirai wood for antimicrobial used PDA medium. Simple linear regression was used to measured the effect of liquid smoke concentration to inhibition of P. citrophthora growth. The relationship between the concentration of liquid smoke (X) and inhibition of fungal growth, P. citrophthora (Y) at 350, 400, and 450ºC were Y = 24.51 + 5.27X (r2 = 0.98), Y = 54.31 + 5.53X (r2 = 0,92), and Y = 51.32 + 16.87X (r2 = 0.80). The results showed that the concentration of liquid smoke was significantly different for inhibition of P. citrophthora growth. The higher the concentration the higher the inhibition of microbial growth. The highest inhibition was on liquid smoke of bengkirai wood with temperature pyrolysis of 450ºC and concentration of liquid smoke of 1% with average value of 100%. Intisari Bengkirai merupakan bahan baku pembuatan furniture yang banyak menghasilkan limbah potongan kayu. Limbah potongan kayu ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pembuatan asap cair. Penelitian tentang efikasi asap cair dari kayu bengkirai terhadap Phytophthora citrophthora telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sifat antimikrobia asap cair kayu bengkirai dalam menghambat pertumbuhan P. citrophthora secara in vitro. Tiga jenis asap cair kayu bengkirai hasil pirolisis pada suhu 350, 400, dan 450ºC. Medium PDA digunakan untuk efikasi asap cair kayu bengkirai terhadap pertumbuhan P. citrophthora. Analisis regresi linier sederhana digunakan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh konsentrasi terhadap daya hambat pertumbuhan P. citrophthora. Konsentrasi asap cair kayu bengkirai yang digunakan adalah 0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 dan 2,0 %, v/v. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara konsentrasi asap cair (X) dan daya hambat pertumbuhan P. citrophthora (Y) pada suhu pirolisis asap cair 350, 400, dan 450ºC berturut-turut adalah Y = 24,51 + 5,27X (r2 = 0,98), Y = 54,31 + 5,53X (r2 = 0,92), dan Y = 51,32 + 16,87X (r2 = 0,80). Makin tinggi konsentrasi asap cair kayu bengkirai makin tinggi daya hambat terhadap pertumbuhan P. citrophthora. Daya hambat pertumbuhan P. citrophthora tertinggi (100 %) pada perlakuan asap cair kayu bengkirai yang diproduksi pada suhu pirolisis 450ºC dan konsentrasi 1 %.