Амбулаторная хирургия (May 2022)
Influence of treatment methods on quality of life of patients with hemorrhoidal disease
Introduction. The effectiveness of the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease is based on the frequency of recurrence of hemorrhoid symptoms, the development of early and late postoperative complications, as well as the degree of patient satisfaction with the results of treatment. However, such an indicator as quality of life, which reflects the health of the patient, is not taken into account.Aim. Obtaining data on the influence of the method and type of treatment on the quality of life of patients suffering from acute or chronic hemorrhoids.Materials and methods. The analysis of the influence of the treatment method on the quality of life of patients suffering from acute or chronic hemorrhoids was carried out. The analysis included 1032 patients with stage I–IV hemorrhoids. The age of the patients was 44.8 ± 13.0 (18–94) years. The study included 509 (49.3%) men and 523 (50.7%) women.Results. Quality of life indicators before treatment in all groups are within the reference values, which is associated with adaptation of patients to the disease. After treatment, quality of life indicators naturally increase. However, in patients after hemorrhoidectomy, regardless of the nature of the technique, quality of life indicators are significantly lower than in patients of groups 1 and 2.Conclusions. Quality of life indicators in all groups before treatment are within the reference values and do not have statistically significant differences in the considered indicators. After the treatment, there is a statistically significant increase in the quality of life indicators in all scales. After hemorrhoidectomy, regardless of the nature of the technique, quality of life indicators are significantly lower than in patients of groups 1 and 2, which is associated with surgical trauma. Since the groups of patients are heterogeneous in terms of the stages of the disease, it can be assumed that for each stage of hemorrhoids, there is a subjective perception of the disease, which can be reflected in the quality of life indicators, which requires additional analysis of the results obtained.