Applied Sciences (Apr 2021)

Experimental and Numerical Study on the Performance Change of a Simple Propeller Shape Using the Coanda Effect

  • Ju-Han Lee,
  • Kwang-Jun Paik,
  • Soon-Hyun Lee,
  • Gu-Hyeon Kim,
  • Jun-Hui Cho

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 9
p. 4112


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In this study, a jet injection propeller was designed to increase its efficiency, and the results were compared by open water tests and numerical computations. Also, the change in shape of the slit and injection volume conditions, which are difficult to perform experiments with, were analyzed through computations. The jet injected from the blade surface generates additional thrust due to the Coanda effect, and the jet injection generates a moment in the direction of propeller rotation, resulting in a decrease in the total torque. Computations were performed for three slit heights. When the height of the slit is high, the efficiency of the propeller increases, even if the power of the pump required for jet injection is considered. The result was found to increase the efficiency by about 8.7%, even when the efficiency was compared under the condition of generating the same thrust by controlling the injection volume of the jet by designing a normal propeller that does not inject a jet.
