Opus (Dec 2019)
Técnica estendida para flauta transversal e criatividade transformacional
The Boehm system provides a stable standard for transverse flute construction, creating a structured space of conceivable ideas. This space is related to technological and metallurgical advancement, and to the development of flute keys and pads. The system incorporates a “disposition to act”, or a “structured pattern of constraints”. The emergence of extended techniques for transverse flute is an exemplary case for investigating phenomena of transformational creativity, its dependence on cognitive artefacts (e.g., notations, instruments) and the transformation caused to specific conceptual spaces. But technical expansion works with great variability. Hence, we examine paradigmatic examples of the repertoire for transverse flute. In Toru Takemitsu’s Voice (1971), extended technique was developed from vocal parameters related to speech, whereas in Luigi Nono’s Das atmende Klarsein (1981), the flute piece is transformed by an electronic apparatus. In all cases, we observe episodes of transformational creativity, which correspond to the creation of conceptual spaces, whose continuity can be observed in the further development of the repertoire for the instrument.