Iranian Journal of Public Health (May 2020)

Performance Evaluation of Community Hospitals in Thailand: An Analysis Based on the Balanced Scorecard Concept

  • Kanookwan MEESOK,
  • Pornpan THEINSATHID,
  • Chanidapa MANEECHOT

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 49, no. 5


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Background: Although the concept of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) was designed for profit-based organisations, the application of the BSC in public and nonprofit organisations (NPOs) could be performed within the NPOs and public health sector, as the conceptual foundation of this system was developed from community hospitals performance. Methods: This study used the BSC concept to analyse the 16 key performance indicators and trends of performance during the last five years of 52 community hospitals located in upper southern Thailand in 2017 and tendency of 2013-2017. The instruments included an annual report and a questionnaire. A statistical analysis to determine percentages, means and standard deviations was performed. Results: The major findings of the community hospitals performance were as follows: Customer perspective: 1. Patient complaint rate of 0.0097% and 2. Outpatient waiting time of 91.89 minutes, Financial perspective: 1. Ratio of total revenue to total expense at 0.9949 and 2. Cost of drugs and materials to total expense at 13.32%, Internal process perspective: 1. Bed turnover at 88.16 and 2. Hospital infection rate of 0.379 times:1,000 patient days, Learning and growth perspective: 1. Staff turnover rate of 4.69% and 2. Number of research studies at 3.77 articles. Trends and performance of hospitals in every perspective of the BSC in the last 5 years showed no differences. Conclusion: The community hospitals offer services such as treatment of common diseases. If the community hospitals could not assist, they will go to referral system by referring patients to secondary and tertiary care respectively.
