Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Jan 2020)

Mass Tourism during the Coexistence with the New Coronavirus. The Predictable Evolution of the Seaside Tourism in Romania

  • Ion Dănuț Jugănaru

Journal volume & issue
Vol. XX, no. 1
pp. 171 – 179


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International tourism, worldwide, is in an unprecedented situation, the current crisis - the SARS CoV-2 pandemic being estimated to have a much stronger impact on the arrival of international tourists worldwide than the effects of the previous 3 crises which affected tourism (the SARS pandemic, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the global economic crisis. Most countries have taken measures to restrict traffic, close borders, isolate their population, quarantine the infected people, and equip hospitals to fight this "invisible enemy". However, economic activities, including tourism, must be resumed. People are tired of restrictions, they want to travel, even if they have to follow new rules so as to coexist with the new virus. Depending on the epidemiological evolution and the measures taken, Romania can attract more tourists, Romanian and foreigners, especially to the seaside. However, the absence of adequate, measures, can lead to severe restrictions upon tourism activities.
