EPJ Web of Conferences (Jan 2022)
Sensitivity Study of Type-I X-ray Bursts to Nuclear Reaction Rates
Type-I X-ray bursts are frequently occurring thermonuclear runaways on the surface of an accreting neutron star. The different nuclear reactions that empower the cataclysmic event play a key role in accurately comparing theoretical models and observations. We investigate the effect of the uncertainties in the nuclear reactions using a ONEZONE model for a set of different compositions and accretion rates that are within the range of the standard observed burst sources. A combination of a full-reaction network and a semi-analytic model is used to obtain the conditions at the time of X-ray burst ignition via simulating the settling process of the accreted material. We then evaluate the sensitivity of the X-ray burst model by varying the proton and alpha-induced reaction rates in JINA REACLIBV2.2 within representative nuclear physics uncertainties.