Syn-Thèses (Sep 2022)
Les doubles morales de Riquet à la houppe. Analyse linguistique comparée des contes de Perrault et Salvayre
Rhetoric is a recurrent topic of Charles Perrault’s tales (1697). Riquet with the Tuft, one of the texts of his work, is no exception and even appears to be the tale that most thematizes this form of art. In one of its contemporary rewritings, De l'avantage d'être laid by Lydie Salvayre (2002), this argumentative dimension also occupies a preponderant place, but to manifest a different moral from the one defended in Perrault’s original tale. The objective of this article is to compare the morals of the two tales so as to put them in perspective with the period of their production. To this end, we will focus on the dialogical and argumentative sequences of the two main characters, Riquet and his ladylove, paying particular attention to their turn-taking and the stylistics of their conversations. This analysis relies on Jean-Michel Adam's textual linguistics for the analysis of dialogues, narratives and argumentative discourses (2017).