IEEE Access (Jan 2021)
Can Skeletal Joint Positional Ordering Influence Action Recognition on Spectrally Graded CNNs: A Perspective on Achieving Joint Order Independent Learning
3D skeletal based action recognition is being practiced with features extracted from joint positional sequence modeling on deep learning frameworks. However, the spatial ordering of skeletal joints during the entire action recognition lifecycle is found to be fixed across datasets and frameworks. Intuition inspired us to investigate through experimentation, the influence of multiple random skeletal joint ordered features on the performance of deep learning systems. Therefore, the argument: can joint order independent learning for skeletal action recognition practicable? If practicable, the goal is to discover how many different types of randomly ordered joint feature representations are sufficient for training deep networks. Implicitly, we further investigated on multiple features and deep networks that recorded highest performance on jumbled joints. This work proposes a novel idea of learning skeletal joint volumetric features on a spectrally graded CNN to achieve joint order independence. Intuitively, we propose 4 joint features called as quad joint volumetric features (QJVF), which are found to offer better spatio temporal relationships between time series joint data when compared to existing features. Consequently, we propose a Spectrally graded Convolutional Neural Network (SgCNN) to characterize spatially divergent features extracted from jumbled skeletal joints. Finally, evaluation of the proposed hypothesis has been experimented on our 3D skeletal action KLHA3D102, KLYOGA3D datasets along with benchmarks, HDM05, CMU and NTU RGB D. The results demonstrated that the joint order independent feature learning is achievable on CNNs trained on quantified spatio temporal feature maps extracted from randomly shuffled skeletal joints from action sequences.