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Erosões em estradas não-pavimentadas da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Formoso, Bonito/MS: diagnóstico e medidas de controle
The unpaved roads are factors of great prominence and functionality in the rural landscape, especially when representing an intrinsic relationship with positive and negative impacts with the turbidity of springs. In this way, this research analyzed the unpaved roads of the Rio Formoso Watershed, Bonito/MS. The latter has been suffering from recurrent turbidity and displays countless tourist potentials that have scenic surface water as their main attraction. Therefore, a diagnosis of the environmental problems caused by erosion was elaborated, pointing out measures for the control and recovery of the roads. In its operationalization, field trips were conducted to identify erosion and the characteristics of these roads, together with a cartography capable of understanding them, quantifying them and pointing out their relationship with soils and slope. The results show that roads play an important role in sediment production, since most of the erosion found is located in the middle and lower course of the basin, especially on side roads (in quantity) and on the MS-345 highway (in concentration). This leads to a need for control that goes from the installation of lateral ditches that hold the water dynamics, runoff terraces, maintenance and installation of retention boxes, among other diverse forms of containment.