Slovene (Aug 2018)

The Donatio Constantini in Church Slavonic Translations of the 14–15th Centuries: toward the Problem of their Dating and Localization

  • Tatiana I. Afanasyeva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1
pp. 109 – 132


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The article studies two Slavic translations of the Donation of Constantine from the 14th and the 15th centuries in comparison with the Greek text (in some cases with the Latin original) in order to establish the time and place of their appearance. F. Thomson believed that the first Slavic translation was made in Serbia, and the second one in Bulgaria, but the study shows that both translations are of East Slavic origin. Both translations have a number of ideological inserts, on the basis of which it is possible to put forward assumptions about the goals of creating them. The first translation was probably made for Metropolitan Cyprian and served as an authoritative source to which the metropolitan could appeal in the matter of collecting church taxes in Moscow Russia. The second translation, in our opinion, could have been made in Southwestern Russia in a circle of scribes denying the Church Union of 1439. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.1.4
