SHS Web of Conferences (Jan 2018)

Quality of life of men and women using drugs in Western Slovakia

  • Zakova Martina,
  • Krajcirova Martina

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 51
p. 03009


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The aim of our research was to determine the quality of life of men and women who are current drug users in terms of their own perception. We decided to focus on gender because it can also interfere with quality of life. In particular, we aimed to investigate the main dimensions of quality of life such as health, economic situation and social ties. We used a standardized questionnaire WHOQOL BREF. The fieldwork phase of the research was realized from September 2015–December 2015. We used a snowball sampling for collecting data. We investigated that all four domains (physical health, psychological, social relationships and the environment) were evaluated worse by women than men. Women showed in relation to the fair value population the highest standard deviation in the area of psychological domain and men in social relatioships domain. The highest deviation in the areas between men and women was in the physical area. The results showed that quality of life of drug users was dimished, but not as much as we expected in terms of knowledge that literature states.