Iranian Journal of Public Health (Nov 1979)


  • A. Sohrabi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 4
pp. 199 – 208


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Mycotic aneurysm could be divided into three types according to their etiology: septic-embolic, cryptogenic and traumatic type. During the period from 1972 to 1974 two cases of mycotic aneurysms have been seen at the Ohio Valley Medical Center - one following a sub acute bacterial endocarditic and another one was two years following surgery for aortofemoral bypass graft. The clinical course of both patients is discussed. The prognosis of mycotic aneurysm is always fatal without surgical intervention. Mycotic aneurysm is a rare entity which is occasionally reported in the literatures. As far as these case reports go the pathology could be divided into three categories according to their etiology, even though the pathology is essentially the same. 1. The septic-embolic or primary mycotic aneurysm in which the aneurysm is secondary to the sepsis which settles in the wall of the artery and destroys the lamina media and finally developing an aneurysm. This type of mycotic aneurysm is, usually seen in any type of septicemia. 2. The cryptogenic or secondary, mycotic aneurysm in which the sepsis takes place in the pra-existing aneurysm of the arterial wall usually due to arteriosclerosis disease. 3. Traumatic or mixed type mycotic aneurysm in which the sepsis and arterial wall damage takes place at the same time.
