Вопросы современной педиатрии (Jan 2022)
Breast Milk Protective Factors Modelling: Nutritional Programming of Child’s Health
This review covers modern possibilities of modeling breast milk unique properties to produce infant milk formulas. The main approach of such modelling is to advance the protein composition in the formula to the spectrum of breast milk proteins, primarily α-lactalbumin. This protein has multi-directional protective properties; the organism synthesizes the antibacterial and immunomodulating peptide complex HAMLET (Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumor cells, complex of α-lactalbumin and oleic acid) on its basis. The amino acid composition of α-lactalbumin provides mild neuroprotective effect due to sufficient level of tryptophan. Non-protein components of the produced formulas (carbohydrate and fat included) enhance their protective qualities and ensure the prevention of delayed health disorders. This review provides information about the innovative baby food product containing ?-lactalbumin and other bioactive components like those in breast milk.