Teknologi dan Kejuruan (May 2014)


  • Tri Atmadji Sutikno

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 36, no. 1


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The Strategic Management of The Vocational Education to Cope with Qua­li­ty Competition. The vocational education needs to apply a strategic management in order to achi­e­­ve educational goals. There are two stages in the strategic mana­ge­ment, the str­a­­te­­gy formulation and the strategy implementation. The stra­tegy for­mu­la­ti­on includes plan­n­ing, setting vi­­sion and mission of the organization, contructing the or­gani­zational profile, and assessing the organizational en­vi­ron­men­t. The imple­me­ntation of the strategy consists of formulating operational stra­te­gies, moving along the stra­­tegy, motivating and empowering the available sources to realize and in­s­titu­ti­o­na­­l­i­­ze the stra­­tegic plan, evaluating the strategy and controling the strategy in order to en­cour­­age the smoothness implementation of the activities. The ap­pli­­cation of the str­ategic ma­na­ge­ment in vocational education is performed by formulating the stra­tegy and its implementation and combining the school-bas­ed mana­gement. Pendidikan kejuruan perlu menerapkan manajemen strategik agar tujuan pen­­­­­­­­­­didikan dapat tercapai. Ada dua tahapan dalam manajemen strategi, yaitu for­mu­la­si stra­tegi dan implementasi strategi. Formulasi strategi mencakup perencana­an, pe­­ne­tap­­­­­­­­­­­­an visi dan misi organisasi, pembuatan profil organisasi, dan asesmen. Sedang im­ple­­­­­men­­­­tasi stra­tegi terdiri dari merumuskan strategi operasional; menggerakkan stra­te­gi; me­­­motivasi; dan member­daya­kan sumber-sumber yang tersedia untuk me­reali­sa­si­­kan ren­­cana strategi; dan melembagakan strategi; melakukan evaluasi strategi; me­laku­­­­­­­­­kan dan pe­­­­­­­­­­nga­­­­wasan strategi dalam rangka mendorong kelancaran pe­lak­sa­na­an ke­gi­­­atan. Aplikasi manajemen strategik dalam pen­­di­dik­­an ke­ju­ru­an di­­­­la­ku­kan me­lalui penyusunan formulasi strategi dan im­ple­men­­ta­si stra­­­tegi, de­ngan meng­­­­­­kom­­bi­nasikan manajemen berbasis sekolah.
