Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Jan 2021)
The Challenges and Importance of Virtual Teams During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The covid-19 has changed how things are run in nearly all facets and aspects of life. As much as it is a health crisis, it is also a socio-economic issue. Indeed, the effects of the pandemic on the economy are set to be palpable into the future even after the world is healed from the pandemic. Thus, business organizations have to learn, adapt or intensify their use of virtual teams since virtual teams are essential in business existence and success during the pandemic. This article conducts an extensive and relevant review of literature that expounds on the subject. After the various pieces of literature are reviewed, a summary of the findings of the challenges and importance of virtual teams during the pandemic is made. The paper also presents the research methodologies used by the various authors in obtaining the results and a discussion on the matter of validity, limits of the study, credibility, and generalization of the data content.