Sport Mont (May 2007)
The intervals of more or less intensive corporal, functional, motoric, intellectual, physical and social development appear in the ontogenetic development of each individual. The phenomenon of an unequal or, more exactly, skipping development of any of the given segments of the bio-psycho-social status, we often call sensibility periods or, more exactly, sensitive or critical periods. The research subject is the precision as a basic motoric ability from the aspect of its sensitive phases of the schoolboys aging from 7 to 15. All in total 373 schoolboys were included, that is, 18 schoolboys 7 years old, 36 of 8, 52 of 9, 47 of 10, 41 of 11, 37 of 12, 31 of 13, 46 of 14, and 64 of 15 years old.The research goal is the establishment of the sensitive phases of the precision development in the different schoolboys ages. The test sample was composed of the precision by hand and by foot in standing position and in movement. The acquired results and fi ndings of the research point out the existence of more or less expressed sensitive phases in the precision development in some ages, which brings to a conclusion that those sensitive phases should be respected, especially in the training process of those sports where the precision is one of the predominant motoric abilities, on which the sport results depend to a great extent. Practical reference of this research is that in the training process it is necesary to work on the precision improvement in those ages, in which the precision in the ontogenesy develops through a sensitive phase, that is, during its natural more intensive development.