Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare (Mar 2018)
Epidural analgesia in a paediatric teaching hospital: Trends, developments, and a brief review of literature
Introduction: Continuous epidural analgesia has proven to be a good tool in the anaesthetist’s quest to provide excellent pain relief for an extended perioperative period. Pharmaceutical advances provide us with a larger array of both local anaesthetic (LA) drugs and additives that can prolong the duration or enhance the quality of analgesia, or both. The avoidance of LA toxicity is of paramount importance for safe prescription, especially in the high-risk neonatal and infant cohort, and all patients stand to benefit from ‘safer’ LA agents and adjuvants that promote the use of a lowered concentration of epidural LA infusions. We present a descriptive review of trends in epidural prescription and technique in our hospital. Methods: Our observational study was conducted over a period of 19 years in a tertiary paediatric teaching hospital. Prospectively collected data that included patient demographics, level of epidural catheter insertion, LA drugs and adjuvants used, as well as postoperative infusion rates, were then analysed retrospectively. Results: There was a decline in the use of paediatric epidural analgesia. Over the study period, we also observed a shift in preference of LAs and adjuvant drugs toward safer alternatives. Conclusion: Paediatric epidural analgesia is gradually being superseded by other analgesic modalities with superior safety profiles (e.g. peripheral neural blockade). However, indications remain for its continued use, and anaesthetists should be familiar with its technical aspects and pitfalls.