Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi (Dec 2018)
The Affect of Aspect Category on Formation of Time Meanings in Russian Language
In Russian language the time category has been formed simultaneousely with the moment of speech. Accordingly, actions have become meaningful within the framework of past, present and future tense concepts and in the context of this semantic feature they have their own morphological sturcutres. However, the meaning of simple present tense in Russian, which has no distinctive morphological structure, such as time periods indicating the past, future and present, and the moment of speech is not a starting point can be expressed by means of present and future time structures. The actions that show the movement within a wide range of time can be expressed by the imperfective or perfective verbs. In this respect, the concepts of absolute and relative time in Russian language, in other words, the time in real life or time beyond the real life are important to understand the worldview of the speaker, how time exists in the language, what symbols are represented morphologically, or how it emerges without having any distinctive morphological structure. In this study we examine the effects of the aspect category, which has several internal meanings, on the formation of the time meanings in the aspect category of Russian language. The aim of this study is to show the connection between time and aspect categories, to reveal the effects of this connection on temporal meanings and to try to undertand the subjective worldview of the formation of one's time concept.