Pistas para entender una mofa entre los jovenes uruguayos de izquierda de fines de los sesenta
This paper is part of a larger project on the impact of global ideas and practices related to “being young” on the construction of local political identities, particularly regarding the leftist groups and parties that took part in the student movement of 1968 in Uruguay. In a moment when these groups were searching for political answers before unprecedented levels of popular mobilization and labor organizing amidst an economic crisis and a repressive attitude by the government also withougt precedent in national history, thousands of young men and women with no political experience tested the limits of previous structures and ways of struggle. It was a time of extreme fluidity within the political left, with new and old organizations trying to attract these youngsters and integrate their interests and habits. Based on the analysis of a motto used by the youth branch of the Communist Party, this paper deals with the ways in which the debates on the demands of revolutionary commitment impacted on the roles demanded from the men and women who were becoming members of the different leftist organizations.