Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering (Mar 2022)
Specific Design Features of Prefabricated Fire-Resistant Floor Slabs Made from Lightweight Concrete
Reinforced concrete roof and floor structures have the highest heating temperatures and are exposed to the most difficult conditions during fires that occur in buildings and structures. The standardized fire resistance of hollow-core slabs made of heavy concrete from Portland cement is regulated as REI 45 or REI 60. The aim of the work is to develop a composition of lightweight fire-resistant concrete and architectural engineering for floor slab devices. The composition of lightweight fire-resistant concrete made from expanded clay aggregates and alumina cement was developed as a result of the work. The degree of fire resistance of the lightweight concrete composition with a bulk density of 1475 kg/m3 has been practically determined; i.e., REI 90. The structural solution of the floor slab has been improved; at the same time, we propose to develop a slab with a flat section made of lightweight fire-resistant concrete. Such floor slabs, along with an increase in the fire resistance limit, improve the heat-insulating ability of a floor due to a significant reduction in the coefficient of the thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete.