Matn/Pizhūhī-i Adabī (Dec 2021)
An Investigation and Analysis of the Course of Human beings' Perfection in Mowlavi’s Works
According to Mowlavi, the Highest and Most Perfect Human Beings are the Prophets and Saints for Whom we have Chosen the Title of "Perfect Human Beings" in this Article. Perfected Human Being, Through his/her Honor and Perfection of Existence, has Authority over other Human Beings and even over other Creatures. Of Course, Perfect Human Beings are not all in the Same Rank and Degree, and Some are Virtuous over others Rumi and the Mystics before him Believed in the Difference between the Status and Rank of Perfect Human Beings and Therefore Addressed the Following two Main Issues in Their Works: First, Among Perfect Human Beings, The Status of Prophets Takes Precedence over the Status of Saints, or Vice Versa. Second, The Issue of The Classes of the Elders, Which is a Collection of the Mystics of the First Traditions’ Views Focused on the two Main Patterns: The So-Called Herami Hojviri Pattern and Hakim Tirmidhi Pattern, can be Researched. in this Article, in this Article, First, the Course of Perfect Human Beings In The Form Of These Two Basic Issues Will Be Analyzed and Studied in the Opinions and Views of the Mystics of the First Tradition, and then Rumi's Specific Views in this Field Will be Explained.