Formazione & Insegnamento (Apr 2022)

EduSpaceMobile – South Tyrol's Next Role Model for Multidirectional Exchange of Educational Knowledge

  • Susanne Schumacher

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 1 Tome I


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Ecology, in the broadest sense, is an interrelation. For individuals as well as for social communities, this implies that they are always both subjects of per-ception and objects of a communal determination of reality (cf. Benner 1990, p. 614ff.). The reflected contemplation of the individual’s relationship to himself, to others and to the world is a central element of the courses and prac-tical training of the Master’s programme in Educational Science. In particular, the current activities of the EduSpace learning workshop are strongly influenced by the joint reflection on ecology as a condition and goal of education in the first stages of life as well as across the entire lifespan (cf. in detail Stadler-Altmann 2018; Dozza 2021). How these interdependencies can be elaborated into sustainable regional learning communities is outlined in the following.
