Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care (Mar 2023)
Painless Endoscopic Repair of Duodenal Ulcer Perforation: A Case Report
This paper reports a case of duodenal ulcer (A1 stage) after general gastroscopy, when the patient left hospital without discomfort, but felt persistent aggravated abdominal pain in about 20 minutes, so admitted to the emergency department due to perforation of duodenal ulcer showed by CT, and aspirated by CO2 air pump under general anesthesia in the operating room four hours later, performed painless endoscopic perforation repair. Then, he released pneumatosis by puncture, and accepted ten days symptomatic treatment such as anti-infection following fasting water and gastric tube insertion, after that recovered and discharged from hospital, avoiding surgery, which supplements endoscopic minimally invasive treatment for perforation of duodenal ulcer in China.