Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science ()
Influence of Pine Bark Tannin on Bacterial Pathogens Growth and Nitrogen Compounds on Changes in Composted Poultry Litter
ABSTRACT To study the antimicrobial and uric acid-preserving activity of pine bark tannin on poultry litter composting, antibiotic-free wood chip-based poultry litter was distributed (11 g) to 50-mL conical centrifuge tubes and immediately amended with 1.3 mL0.4 M sodium phosphate buffer (control) or with 1.3 mL condensed tannins from pine bark (Pinus palustris; 9 % tannin wt/vol in water). All tubes (n = 3 tubes/treatment) were inoculated with a novobiocin and naladixic acid-resistant Salmo-nella typhimurium (STNN) to achieve 3.0 log10 CFU/g and incubated at 37oC for 3 days to simulate an initial compost period. Wildtype E. coli and the challenge STNN strain as well as concentrations of ammonia, uric acid and urea were measured on days 0 and 3. Pine bark tannin treatment decreased (p0.05). Ammonia accumulation decreased (p0.05). Results suggest that pine bark tannin treatment may preserve uric acid and reduce ammonia volatilization in composted litter while aiding Salmonella control.