Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Jun 2021)

Intentionality of women's actions in labor: a study in social phenomenology

  • Fernanda Honnef,
  • Stela Maris de Mello Padoin,
  • Cristiane Cardoso de Paula,
  • Tassiane Ferreira Langendorf

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 74, no. suppl 4


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ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the intentionality of women's autonomous actions in labor. Methods: a study in Alfred Schütz's social phenomenology, developed with 15 puerperal women admitted to a university hospital in southern Brazil. Data were collected through phenomenological interviews and analyzed according to the adopted framework and the comparison with scientific productions. Results: the actions intended to receive physical and emotional support from their companions, from pregnancy, for a peaceful delivery with less pain, fast and without interventions. The intention was to do the right things for the child's well-being and, after delivery, to be painless and active to take care of their children. Final considerations: women's actions have intentionality arising from their knowledge, which is guided by the social relationships established in the world of life.
