Full-length transcriptome assembly and RNA-Seq integration of diploid and tetraploid ryegrass to investigate differences in cd uptake and accumulation among ryegrass with different ploidy levels
Xunzhe Yang,
Xia Wang,
Xuan Zhang,
Dandan Wu,
Yiran Cheng,
Yi Wang,
Lina Sha,
Jian Zeng,
Houyang Kang,
Xing Fan,
Linkai Huang,
Yinglong Chen,
Yonghong Zhou,
Haiqin Zhang
Xunzhe Yang
Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Crop Improvement, Ministry of Education, Sichuan Agricultural University
Xia Wang
Triticeae Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University
Xuan Zhang
Triticeae Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University
Dandan Wu
Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Crop Improvement, Ministry of Education, Sichuan Agricultural University
Yiran Cheng
Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Crop Improvement, Ministry of Education, Sichuan Agricultural University
Yi Wang
Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Crop Improvement, Ministry of Education, Sichuan Agricultural University
Lina Sha
Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Crop Improvement, Ministry of Education, Sichuan Agricultural University
Jian Zeng
College of Resources, Sichuan Agricultural University
Houyang Kang
Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Crop Improvement, Ministry of Education, Sichuan Agricultural University
Xing Fan
Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Crop Improvement, Ministry of Education, Sichuan Agricultural University
Linkai Huang
College of Grassland Science and Technology, Sichuan Agricultural University
Yinglong Chen
UWA School of Agriculture and Environment, and Institute of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia
Yonghong Zhou
Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Crop Improvement, Ministry of Education, Sichuan Agricultural University
Haiqin Zhang
Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Crop Improvement, Ministry of Education, Sichuan Agricultural University
Abstract Background The accumulation of cadmium (Cd) in ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lamk.) as a widely used pasture plant poses a serious risk to food safety. This study aimed to investigate the differences in phenotypes, physiology, and expression of metal transporters between four ryegrass genotypes (diploid/tetraploid and Cd-tolerant/sensitive). Results The diploid/Cd-sensitive genotypes were found to uptake, accumulate, and translocate more Cd compared to the tetraploid/Cd-tolerant genotypes. Cd with more soluble components facilitated the transfer of Cd from root to shoot in the sensitive genotypes. Tetraploid and Cd-tolerant Chuansi No.1 accumulated less Cd in shoots but higher ratio in root cell wall, making it a promising model for studying the mechanisms of plant resistance to Cd stress. The complex regulatory system and dilution effect contributed to the lower uptake and accumulation of Cd in tetraploid genotypes. Moreover, tetraploid genotypes exhibited higher expression of genes that promoted Cd efflux, which could contribute to their lower Cd accumulation. Conclusions Overall, this study sheds light on the physiological and transcriptional mechanisms of Cd uptake and accumulation by different polyploids, providing guidance for ryegrass breeding and soil improvement.