Global Health Action (Dec 2022)
Training program for female community volunteers to combat COVID 19 in rural Nepal
Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHV) in Nepal have identified lack of appropriate training as a barrier to involvement in the COVID 19 response. With more than 50,000 FCHVs serving rural areas of Nepal, they are instrumental in healthcare and are a major source of information delivery to those with the most limited health-care access in Nepal. This communication describes an innovative training programme to rapidly equip FCHVs with knowledge on COVID 19 response. The ongoing programme leverages partnerships between local municipalities and a local community-based organisation and has rapidly trained more than 300 FCHVs across four districts with a population of 1,000,000, and has plans to expand the training across the country. This training programme is a key example of how local partnerships can be utilised for digital training of FCHVs in remote parts of Nepal and leveraged to strengthen response capacity during the pandemic.