Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (Dec 2008)
Desenhando a nova morfologia do trabalho: As múltiplas formas de degradação do trabalho
This article presents a number of empirical and analytical elements which configure what the author terms the new morphology of work. In opposition to the theses which advocated the end of work or envisaged its deconstruction and loss of centrality, the author sets out to understand the new modalities of work emerging in today’s world, whose most visible trait is their multifaceted profile, the result of the strong mutations which have affected production and services over the past decades. The article highlights the consequences of these distinct forms of work in the IT era; their pendular movement, which swings at times towards continuity, at others towards superfluidity; and analyses the meanings of the amplification of immaterial work in the world of capital, pointing out some of its consequences in the law of value.