تعاون و کشاورزی (Dec 2016)
The Impact of Brand Equity of Central Union of Agricultural and Rural Cooperatives on their Resonance with its Website from the Customer's Perspectives
This research studied the main factors of brand equity on brand resonance ofcustomers by using Keller's brand equity model on the website of the Central Union ofAgricultural and Rural Cooperatives in Iran. Simple random sampling was used toselect 384 customer of Iran Central Union of rural and agricultural cooperatives, whomat least once used the website of this company. The method for gathering data andinformation was according to the field study, research design was descriptive – survey.The device for gathering data was a researcher made questionnaire. For data analysis,Spearman correlation coefficient was performed to test the hypotheses and path analysiswas implemented to examine the effects of each of the dimensions of brand equity onresonance by Lisrel software. The results showed that the perceived brand performancehad positive effect on costumers brand judgment and also brand image and both of themhad positive effects on brand resonance, meanwhile the brand image variable hadpositive effect on the brand judgment of the website.