Revista de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Aug 2014)

Nurse performance in the patient's discharge guidance after kidney transplant

  • Luciana Aparecida Inácio,
  • Juliana Helena Montezeli,
  • Prisicila Meyenberg Cunha Sade,
  • Cristiano Caveião,
  • Ana Paula Hey

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2
pp. 323 – 331


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Doi: 10.5902/2179769210186 Aims: to describe the discharge guidance given by the nurse to the patient after kidney transplant. Method: this is a qualitative descriptive study. Semi-structured interviews and non-participating systematic observations were performed with three nurses from the renal transplantation service of Curitiba-PR, from July to September of 2010. The speeches were submitted to content analysis, through which three categories emerged. Results: the first category describes the orientations given by the nurse to the patient at discharge. The second category approaches communication aspects as a core competence of this professional for the moment of discharge guidance. The third category deals with the scientific knowledge as a foundation for the discharge guidance of postkidney transplant. Conclusions: the educational practice developed by nurses at the time of post-transplant discharge is based mainly on communication and scientific knowledge.
