Politeja (Sep 2024)
Pomiędzy realizmem a kompleksowym podejściem do bezpieczeństwa. Wizje bezpieczeństwa w dyskursie strategicznym państw członkowskich NATO
BETWEEN REALISM AND COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO SECURITY: THE VISIONS OF SECURITY IN THE STRATEGIC DISCOURSE OF NATO MEMBER STATES The war in Donbas, the Russian annexation of Crimea, and its full-scale invasion of Ukraine are part of a trend that many international relations analysts and researchers have dubbed a return to realism and so-called “hard power”. Within this trend, we observe the strengthening of defence capabilities and deterrence by NATO member states, as well as a concentration of the security discourse on military matters. At the same time, this trend has emerged after many years of peacekeeping and stabilisation efforts, which gradually introduced the principles of a comprehensive approach to security into the mainstream security discourse. This approach is based on cooperation, combining the efforts of military and civilian actors, and a certain dispersion of responsibility for security. Therefore, the question arises to what extent comprehensive approach to security and the “return to realism” have influenced the strategic discourse of NATO member states. In seeking an answer to this question, the article will examine the discourse of national security strategies of selected European NATO member states published before and after 2014.