Modern Geográfia (Apr 2023)
Egyetemi folyóirat-szerkesztőségek a nemzetközi láthatóság növelésének útján (Egy kerekasztal-beszélgetés tanulságai)
The University of Pécs Library and Knowledge Center organized a conference for November 23rd, 2022. The purpose of the symposium was to introduce the new trends of Open Access scientific publishing and good Hungarian and international practices, as well as to present the opportunities aimed at efficiently supporting the publishing activity and measured academic accomplishments of university teachers and researchers. One of the professional blocks of the event was about the development possibilities of editorial offices and the international visibility of scientific output in the form of a round table discussion. At this discussion, the editors-in-chief and editors of altogether four journals from four university faculties (Hungarian Journal of African Studies, Public Administration and Infocommunications Law PhD Studies, Modern Geográfia, Tourism and Rural Development Studies) discussed possible development opportunities.