Journal of Rehabilitation (Jan 2005)

Study of Influence Muscular Progressive Relaxation on Blood Pressure Elderly Primary Hypertensive Clients that Resident in Kahrizak Home for Aged,1383

  • Saeed Hamidi-Zadeh,
  • Fazlollah Ahmadi,
  • Masoud Fallahi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 4
pp. 48 – 52


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Objective: Hypertension is a chronic problem and most common cardiovascular disease. Whenever in this study carried out no drugs therapy and effect of progressive relaxation therapy on elderly hypertensive cliens. Materials & Methods: This study was a quasi experimental research that was conducted in two groups of control and experiment in order to evaluating efficacy and feasibility of progressive muscle relaxation on blood pressure of elderly subject with mild and moderate hypertension, residing at kahrizak charity foundation for elderly, in the year of 2005. fifty five elderly men and woman hypertensive (27 experiment and 28 control) were randomly studied Equipments for data collection were, client demographic questionnaire, check list of BP and recorder, sphygmomanometer, stethoscope. For then experimental group progressive musele relaxation was performed in 20 minutes sessions, three weekly for 6 weeks were calculated and compared with control group. Statically analysis was done help of SPSS. Results: Mann- Whitney test showed that systolic blood pressure and diaatolic blood pressure in the both groups before the intervention was similar (p<0.05). Same test indicated that both stages of means, was significant differnce of systolic and diastolic blood pressure between both groups(p<0.05) , and Wilcox on test also , showed a significant difference in decline of blood pressure after the intervention(p<0.05) in the experimental groups and reversely the same test showed a significant difference berween, before and after intervention in control group(p<0.05). Conclusion: Consequently the hypothesis of this study progressive musele relaxation (PMR) declines the blood pressure in subjects practieing this program. Comparing to the control group, such hyporthesis was confirmed.
