NURE Investigación (Nov 2009)

Situation of cross-matter Health Education in the province of Toledo

  • Fructuoso Rodríguez Muñoz,
  • Susana Fernández Crespo,
  • Sagrario Celada Pérez,
  • Jaime Martín Morcillo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 43


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Objective: to know the activities of health education achieved in primary schools in the province of Toledo during 2005-2006. Study design: descriptive, crosscutting, through self-completed questionnaire. Site: Primary Health Care. Participants: 91 primary schools Measurements: activities achieved HE: subjects, duration and continuity over time, participation, professionals who teach. Results: Between November 2006 and February 2007 received 91 questionnaires (response rate 43.7%). Of the whole of schools, the 58.24% engage in some activity. The total of made activities was 129 activities and the 13 given subjects. About environmental the 24.03%, education in values the 6.28% and traffic education the 14.73%. Of whole of involved professionals, the 26.62% by P.H.C.(nursing, medicine, psychology, veterinary, social workers). The mean of duration of the activities was 5.86 (CI 4.15-7.58) hours/year, and its ontinuity of 1 year (mode).Conclusions: very few activities are carried out by HE. They are characterized by being object lessons, short and little continuity over time. The subjects most related to health (hygiene and dietary habits, toxic habits and emotional-sexual education) are taught less. Health professionals are barely involved, the community nurses being more participatory. We consider essential to establish mechanisms for coordination between health and educational administrations to reach a broad group of people healthy and capable of speech (30,000 enrolled in 2006).
