Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery (Apr 2007)
Job satisfaction among psychiatric nurses in Shafa hospital in Rasht
Introduction: Job environment as a second home of every individual should satisfy his mental and spiritual needs. Among different jobs, nursing is an important and key job, because as nurses job satisfaction increases, it can improve the quality of care given to patients and increase their satisfaction. Objective: The goal of this study was to determine the level of nurses job satisfaction in educational center of Shafa in Rasht. Methods: This is a descriptive study and data were collected from all nursing personnel employed in the only educational psychiatric center in Guilan. Data collection instrument included a two part questionnaire: first part covered demographic characteristics and included eight statements and part two included a standard questionnaire on job satisfaction with 30 statements. Descriptive-analytic statistics were used for data analysis. Results: Finding indicated that 53.7% of nurses had moderate, 41.5% had high and 4.9% had low job satisfaction. Also head nurses had lower job satisfaction than other nursing personnel. There was no significant relationship between personal characteristics and job satisfaction. Conclusion: Study findings can be used for exact planning. Results indicated that most samples had moderate job satisfaction and this can be an alarm to nursing managers because inadequate job satisfaction can cause poor care. In addition results showed head nurses had lower job satisfaction and this may affect other personnel s performance.